LIVE BROADCAST, Thursday, Oktober 17th
3 p.m. (CEST)
Driving Emotions – How to design for positive experiences and assess their impact
The upcoming webinar titled “Driving Emotion: How to Design for Positive Experiences and Assess Their Impact” is designed for professionals in the design and research sectors who want to learn more about the scientific background of PUX (positive UX), PUX models, and innovative research methods.
This session aims to provide an overview of well-established frameworks in positive psychology and human needs. We want to introduce UX models to the design and research community in the field of automotive to help address human needs and optimize methodological approaches.
Any burning questions? You’ll have the opportunity to ask in a live Q&A session after the webinar.

Carina Lehne de López
CXO and Partner at Eye Square
With 15 years of experience she has a deep understanding of users and what drives them. Experienced consultant to clients from different industries during user-centered product development.

Philipp Reiter
COO and Partner at Eye Square
Philipp Reiter is a psychologist with specialization in cognitive information processing and implicit research methods. He focuses on implementing innovative neuroscientific measures in user, brand, and shopper research. Reiter is also an automotive speaker and teaches business psychology.

eye square helps companies better understand the most important people to your business: your customers. Our international team is located in Berlin, London, New York, Hong Kong, and Kerala. eye square’s 74 researchers and consultants serve about 300 clients worldwide from the automotive, e-commerce, FMCG, media, and more sectors.
While conventional market research remains on the surface, our unique methods combine psychology and state-of-the-art technology. This allows us to capture and analyze real perceptions (neuro-biological), explicit (explicit), and implicit (subconscious) responses of your customers in numerous settings.
Since 1999, our services include research, consulting, and technology development on Brand & Media Experience, User Experience, and Shopper Experience:
// Brand & Media Experience Research: Optimize your brand and advertising impact on all media channels: print, TV, out-of-home, online, and mobile.
// User Experience Research: Understand your users in order to effectively match your product with the consumer and boost conversion on your website or app.
// Shopper Experience Research: Test on e-commerce platforms, or in-store, and enhance your customers’ shopping experience, whether it’s package design, shelf assortments, or marketing materials.
eye square’s work has been awarded numerous awards and offers one of the world’s largest benchmark databases on user behavior at various media touchpoints with over 3200 ads, spots and brands tested.