Artikel & Whitepaper, IT, DevOps & Business

Knowledge is Power – AMI on Enterprise Intelligence

The purpose of this white paper is to explain and illustrate the potential and uses of Enterprise Intelligence software. It relates to the fields in which it is most obviously relevant, which include the finance sector marketing and communications, knowledge brokerage, security, government and policy making, basically any business that is threatened by disruptive technology. Among others this mostly affects the travel industry, academic research, think tanks, pharmaceuticals and publishing sectors.
The white paper delivers insights into the processes of turning information into knowledge through the gathering, filtering, analysis and dissemination of what may be discovered. The topics covered include where Digital Intelligence resides, how it is harvested and best practice in its interpretation.

What separates Enterprise Intelligence from Human Intelligence?

  • Enterprise intelligence is able to easily comprehend vast amounts of data and information with high objectivity.
  • It enables to break out of mind-set thinking and increase the accuracy of interpretation convert information to knowledge with greater certainty.
  • Enterprise Intelligence software examines information at high speed in an ongoing process and is indifferent to what it is, or how much of it there is. It follows information trails and hunts it down relentlessly.

View the full white paper and learn about the full potential of Enterprise Intelligence and its application in businesses.

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